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Sweater Weather Is Better With Cameo By Copeland

There’s nothing quite like the feeling of pulling your favorite cashmere sweater over your head and cuddling up next to the fireplace with a hot beverage and a good book—it’s bliss. It’s that time of the year, when some of us are excited to rotate the wardrobe and get our favorite wool sweaters out from storage for those cold NYC winters. It’s possible to find some unpleasant surprises though, due to the natural fibers that are used in manufacturing these garments. Caring for these types of natural textiles can be tricky. That’s why we’re here. 

It’s important to properly care for your sweaters, and all natural fiber garments for that matter, to prevent things like clothes moths, but to also maintain that soft, warm feeling we all love so much when we first purchase one of these items. And don’t fall victim to “clear spillage.” Oftentimes, we may spill on one of these garments, but as it’s not visible, we figure it’s not necessary to clean. That’s wrong with any article of clothing, but especially when dealing with natural fibers, like wool. It’s important we clean these items at the beginning of the season, after each wear, and again at the end of the season, prior to storing. 

Trust the professionals. These are delicate fabrics and typically not cheap, so spend the money to ensure they’re cared for by the folks who know what they’re doing—that’s us. Some other dry cleaning solvents are aggressive and can actually damage your more delicate garments. We’ve heard retail employees even warn customers not to dry clean them because of horror stories they’ve heard or maybe their own experiences dealing with wool sweaters ruined by a dry cleaner. Our GreenEarth Cleaning System is different. It’s so gente, the most delicate textiles can be cleaned in it. Not only is it safe for natural fibers, the silicone solvent can have a rejuvenating effect, resulting in clean, fresh, and softer than ever sweaters—just imagine it. 

In summary, clean your natural fiber textiles regularly, and leave it to the professionals, more specifically Cameo By Copeland. It will extend the lifetime of your favorite garments, reducing your contribution to landfill waste and allowing you the pleasure of cherishing them for many winters to come. Give us a call if you have any questions.