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Spring Cleaning: Draperies and Upholstery

Spring cleaning time is here! The outdoor temperatures are finally starting to warm up. After a particularly long, cold winter it is time to start focusing on the arrival of spring. For most people that means taking the time to do a thorough cleaning. While people often think of cleaning comforters and switching out the heavy clothes to make room in the closet for spring and summer items, the drapes and upholstery can be forgotten. Consider the following aspects of a thorough spring cleaning of draperies and upholstery.

Over the winter months drapes and curtains collect dust. They can also be soiled from hands opening and closing them. Although some people take curtains and drapes down and run them through a washing machine this can cause damage to the fine fabrics. Washing by hand is a better option.  Often drapes are difficult to remove for cleaning. Some are permanently installed. Therefore it may be best to have Arthur Copeland come to your home to clean them for you.

Spring is a good time to give your furniture a thorough cleaning. Remove all cushions and vacuum the cushion and the base of the furniture. With the bright sunlight entering your home again you may notice stains on your upholstery you had forgotten about or didn’t realize were there. A drip of wine can make a lasting, difficult stain. Sometimes attempts to remove the stain damage the upholstery fabric so it can be challenging to determine how to handle a stain. Consider leaving it to the experts at Arthur Copeland. With years of experience they will know the best approach.

Enjoy the bright sunshine and warm weather this spring but don’t forget to give your home a good spring cleaning. If you find you are short on time or need some assistance please contact us. We would be happy to help you!