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Benefits of Preserving Your Wedding Gown

If you’re thinking about storing your wedding gown to use for another day, then you might want to consider the benefits of preserving your wedding gown properly. If you just hang your gown and expect it to stay the same after a number of years, you’ll be in for an unpleasant surprise. Over time, the dirt, bodily oils, food stains, etc that were on your gown will cause your gown to yellow and look unpleasant.

Improper care to preserving your wedding gown can result in wrinkles which over time can cause irreparable damage. “fabric hang” due to storing your gown on a hanger will cause the shoulder material of your gown to stretch and damage.

Professional care in preserving your wedding gown is highly recommended for those who wish to preserve their gown for their daughter or other uses. At Arthur Copeland, we take special care of wedding gowns and ensure the utmost care in handing and preserving your gown. Gowns get stored in an acid-free box which we recommend checking every 2-3 years to ensure quality. We can also store them for you if you wish.

Care should also be considered when taking your wedding gown to us. This is why we offer free pick-up and deliver around our area so you don’t have to worry about the handling of your gown.

Contact Arthur Copeland for more info regarding how we can preserve your wedding gown.