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Preserving Your Wedding Gown

After one of the most life-changing events in your life, decisions regarding what to do with your wedding gown arises. Should you just simply store it in your closet? Do you want to save it for when your future daughter decides to get married? Do you just want to preserve it for memories sake? There is only one way to preserve your wedding gown properly. 

Taking your wedding gown to a professional dry cleaner is the only way to ensure that your wedding gown will last a lifetime. A professional dry cleaner will clean your gown very carefully from any sweat or stains that may be on there. They can store it in their storage facilities in order to inspect it every so often and ensure that your gown has been preserved properly. Or, they can also preserve it for you in a special box in which the gown is wrapped in a special acid-free wrap that’s breathable so you can take it home and store it yourself. 

Whatever you decide to do with your wedding gown, allowing a dry cleaner to preserve it is the best way to keep your wedding gown lasting a lifetime.