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Prepare for Spring by Cleaning and Storing your Furs

The Winter holidays are over and Spring will soon bloom upon us. The weather will get warmer and the clothes will be lighter. As you begin to shop for your Spring attire, a thought may pop into your mind: “What will I do with all my winter clothes?”

At Arthur Copeland, we make the transition from Winter to Spring easy by offering our trusted storage solutions. We can help you store your furs and other winter gear so you can focus on the Spring season with no hassle.

We don’t simply just store your furs. We also clean and preserve them to make sure that they stay as fresh and good as new from the day you bought them. We can also come to you so you don’t have to carry all your furs to us. We can also bring them back to you whenever you want them. Just give us a call.

Trust Arthur Copeland with all your fur storage needs.