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How to Transition from Winter to Spring Outfits

Spring for most is one the best season for mixing and matching outfits. You get the chance to wear spring clothing in addition to mixing certain winter and summer outfits depending on the weather. However, most people struggle with the transition from winter to spring outfits. Just how do I know what to wear when the wear can be cold in the morning but hot in the afternoon? Here are a few tips to help you transition properly:

  • Wear silk/light scarfs instead of wool – You can wrap your scarf around your neck when its cold then wrap it around your bag or waist when it isn’t. It’s very fashionable.
  • Wear cotton instead of wool – Cotton doesn’t generate the same warmth as wool, especially when it comes to sweaters. Smart sweaters are perfect for this time of year.
  • Wear suede or light leather jacket instead of a fur coat – This is a no brainer; furs are just not meant for spring.

Taking your spring clothing to a professional dry cleaner helps make the transition from winter to spring easier. You won’t have to worry about ruining your favorite spring outfit. Spring clothing just last much longer when they are cleaned professionally as opposed to cleaning them yourself or taking them to an average dry cleaner.

Let a professional dry cleaner take care of all your spring outfit cleaning needs and ease your transition from winter to spring.