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Clean Your Wedding Gown After the Big Day

Did you recently have a wedding this summer? Are you having trouble figuring out what to do with that expensive, gorgeous wedding gown? Need a place to keep it until you’re ready to use it again? A professional dry cleaner is just what you need!

Most people have a perception that dry cleaners are only good for shirts and pants. This may be true at some places but when talking about professional dry cleaners, they can do way more than just a shirt. Wedding gowns are some of the most expensive pieces of clothing you’ll ever buy in your life. In fact, we’d argue it’s an investment. Investments need to be protected and here’s why we believe that taking your wedding gown to a professional dry cleaner is the way to go.

When dealing with stains on your wedding gown from sweat, wine, food, etc., removing them will be very difficult to do on your own. Wedding gowns come in all types of materials and designs and by attempting to clean off the stains yourself, you severely risk destroying your wedding gown. A professional dry cleaner with decades of experience can expertly decide how to clean your wedding gown to ensure that only the safest and most efficient way to clean your wedding gown are used.

Want to store your wedding gown in your closet, attic, basement, or anywhere else you desire? Keeping your wedding gown protected throughout the period of storage is very important. Not storing your wedding gown properly can damage your investment and make it hard to restore. Taking your wedding gown to a professional dry cleaner will allow them to put them in a professional acid-free wrap or even a box which should significantly lower the risk of your wedding gown getting damaged over time. Although, wedding gowns should be taken back to dry cleaners periodically to ensure the storage process is going well.

Don’t have enough space to store your beautiful wedding gown? Don’t sell it or give it away! Take it to a professional dry cleaner and they can store it for you! Professional dry cleaners know how to store not only wedding gowns, but fur coats, summer clothing, and all other types of clothing. This is perfect for those who live in a cramped studio. You can store your wedding gown at a professional dry cleaner and get it back whenever you want just as you dropped it off! They will also periodically check up on your wedding gown to ensure that all going well.

As you can see, there are many benefits to taking your wedding gown to a professional dry cleaner. If you care even the slightest about your investment, you should seriously consider taking your wedding gown to a professional dry cleaners.