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The Approaching Party Season Means It’s Time For Cleaning Outdoor Furniture

April is the month to tidy up your outdoor living spaces, so your garden room is as welcoming as your living room when summer garden party time arrives. Outdoor living is easier than ever because of new materials being used for furnishings. Cleaning outdoor furniture is a breeze; when you are finished, you’ll be in the mood to start the party right away.

Comfortable, Beautiful Seating Beckons Visitors

Outdoor fabrics have opened up opportunities for great garden style. Weather resistant and durable, they are easy to keep clean and can be as classy as formal dining china. These can be brushed off to remove surface dirt. If they’ve been stored in a shed, that might be all that’s needed. If brushing doesn’t return them to their original brightness, they can be washed with gentle soap and water. And, of course, air drying is perfectly acceptable.

Seating is no longer the flimsy aluminum of the last century. Instead, metal, wood and polymers are used to provide a reliable chair or sofa that mimics the look of traditional furniture but is also weather proof. Getting it ready for the season may only require a hose-down, top to bottom, to remove cobwebs, dust and dirt. There are excellent cleaners to soap off stuck-on grit. If necessary, use a soft brush which will avoid scratching the surface.

Tables, Lights and Decking Complete the Ambiance

Clean glass table tops with regular glass cleaner; they add sparkle. Now would be a good time to add outdoor lighting, too. Outdoor lights can be strung through trees, around shrubs or across patios so lively party chat can go on long past sunset. Be sure to use lights made for outdoor use only.

Patios and decks may only need a good sweeping. Check for loose boards or bricks; pull any weed starts that might be peeking between them. Pouring white vinegar between pavers will both kill and prevent weeds. In the garden itself, clean out autumn’s leftovers so springs’ new growth can catch the eye.

Spring is such a great time of year. Tulips and daffodils trigger seed searches for gardeners while longer evenings promise sophisticated summertime soirees under the stars. Just like your personal wardrobe, April is the time to spruce up your “garden” wardrobe, so it is ready for the first barbecue. Come June, all you’ll need to do is pour the wine and greet your guests.

To ensure that your personal wardrobe ready for the summer season, contact us.