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How to Prepare for Carpet Cleaners

how to prepare for carpet cleaners

How to Prepare for Carpet Cleaners

Wondering how to prepare for carpet cleaners before they come to your home? It’s a good idea to do your research beforehand so that you don’t end up underprepared (or overprepared) for your cleaners.

It’s normal to be unsure about what to expect the first time you have your carpets professionally cleaned. How much should you do beforehand? Do carpet cleaners move furniture or is that your job? What about those dusty baseboards?

To help you out, we’ve put together this explainer on what you should do—and what you can skip doing—before your carpet cleaners arrive.

Step one: Dust the baseboards and heating grates

This is more to prevent your carpet from accumulating dirt right after cleaning than a necessity of the pre-cleaning process. Buildups of dirt and dust on baseboards and heating grates can easily make their way into your carpet, so to ensure your professional cleaning lasts as long as possible, go over these areas with a duster and then move on to step two.

Step two: Vacuum

It’s a question we see a lot: “do carpet cleaners vacuum first?” And the answer is that while some do, it is always best to vacuum any areas you’re having cleaned before your cleaners arrive so that they can get right to work. This helps ensure that you remove any top layers of dirt and debris so that when your carpet cleaners get started they’re getting right to the fibers for a deep cleaning. It also means you’ll suck up anything you dusted off the baseboards and heating grates.

Of course, all carpet cleaning companies are different, and some do vacuum for you. During your initial consultation, ask whether you should vacuum before your cleaners arrive or if that is something they’ll take care of for you.

Step three: Move your furniture

For liability reasons, most carpet cleaners can not assist with moving any furniture. Others will help but it will incur an additional fee. Check with your cleaning provider to see what their policy is, and either way plan to always move any valuables and breakables on your own prior to your cleaners arriving.

How often should you get your carpets cleaned?

All of this might sound like a lot of work, but look on the bright side: most homeowners don’t need to get their carpets cleaned more than once a year.

If you stay on top of regular maintenance (thoroughly vacuuming at least once a week and spot cleaning as necessary) then a professional cleaning will last a long time. Consider booking additional cleanings throughout the year however if you have kids or pets, or if your carpet gets a lot of traffic.

Get your carpets cleaned by the experts

Paramount in having your carpets cleaned, is hiring the right professional. Arthur Copeland is New York City’s premier cleaner when it comes to carpet, drapery, and upholstery restoration.

Our carpet cleaning service ensures that your carpets and rugs look as pristine as possible. We can even clean your curtains while we’re there. Call Arthur Copeland for service you can trust, and discover the benefits of hiring our expertly trained cleaning team for getting your carpets looking their best. Contact us today to make an appointment!