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Cleaning and Restoring Leather for the Upcoming Autumn

It won’t be long until summer is over! Soon we swap our cotton frocks for cashmere sweaters, our linen suits for wool coats, and our sandals for boots! You are probably wondering if last year’s suede or leather boots will hold up through another fall season. Everyone knows that good leather and suede is expensive, and surely you do not want to spend excessively just to update your autumn wardrobe with these necessities.  It is important to invest in quality shoes for the season, but if you pull out your favorite pair of leather or suede boots only to find that they are still dirty or damaged from the previous year, don’t retire or replace them just yet!

Arthur Copeland offers a variety of services to aid you in this predicament, including leather restoration and leather cleaning to save your wardrobe and save you money! You can trust Arthur Copeland to take excellent care of your suede and leather shoes, jackets, gloves and handbags.

Restoration services include “dyeing, and repairing of rips, tears, torn linings, and broken zippers,” as stated on the Arthur Copeland’s website. Not only can Arthur Copeland take a worn-out pair of shoes and make them look new, we can dye last season’s boots to a color on trend. People will assume you splurged on a new pair of shoes, but only you will know the secret! Looking fashionable for fall is affordable with Arthur Copeland!

Prepare yourself for the upcoming season and bring your leather and suede garments and accessories to Arthur Copeland!  Please do not hesitate to contact us with any question or concern you may have.